Nature Recharge


Nature is my go to recharger. Just as my phone, computer, flashlight batteries, etc., need a regular charge; so do I. This weekend I have come up to Well Being Conference Center for a respite. My cabin looks down on a rural stretch of the Powell river 40 yards away. A dogwood is opening right outside my door, and a blue heron wings just above the water. Some really cute blue wild flowers are opening; and redbuds fringe the edge of the woods with their raucous pink. I think I could look down on this water forever.

This morning an eagle settled into the tree directly in front of me. I got out my binoculars and we patiently regarded each other for about 30 minutes. I don’t think I’ve ever been so close to an eagle. His head was the whitest of whites and I could see his yellow feet wrapping the branch. There were snow flurries and the wild wind was swirling the leaves. I think this memory will stay with me forever; a place that my heart can come back to when I feel down or overwhelmed.
 If this sounds inviting, consider the Feldenkrais and Embodied Life retreats I offer periodically throughout the year. You can sit with us in silent meditation, let your body (and mind) find its groove rolling in the floor doing Feldenkrais lessons, and bliss out on the most delicious food. During down time you can kayak, hike, rest, or look for eagles! If this appeals check out the details below. As with all my class and retreat offerings, if you would like to participate, but finances are a challenge, please contact me directly.

All my best to you, 